Keen on conquering a bigger market share and giving members a better experience, tier one Sacco holds education , training and information forums in a new territory
By George Gichuki
Mentor Sacco , a fast growing tier one savings and credit co-operative has continued to make major inroads into Kajiado county and its environs. In that regard, last Saturday, the Sacco successfully organized education forums at Kajiado township secondary school and AIC Namanga town hall for its growing membership. “ I would like to appreciate our Kajiado county members for turning up in large numbers to attend their education, information and training forums,” said Mr. Eliud Nguma the Chairman of Mentor Sacco while addressing the media at Kajiado township secondary school. “ They have promised to continue patronizing our products and being our brand ambassadors as we solidify our presence in this region,” he added. Education, training and information is one of the seven co-operative principles. The others are : voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, members’ economic participation, autonomy and independence, co-operation among co-operatives and concern for community.
Mr. Nguma further acknowledged that Mentor Sacco is winning many members in Kajiado. “ Going by the many members in this region who have recently joined us, we will consider opening a branch either at Kajiado, Kitengela or Rongai in the near future so that our products and services can become more accessible,” he said. Currently, most of these members are relying on the lender’s mobile banking platform – dubbed Mentor Quickcash – to access its wide array of products and services.
System upgrade
Within the last ten years, the membership of Mentor Sacco has grown from ten to over forty two thousand countrywide. In response to that growth, the Sacco is currently undertaking a major upgrade of its core banking system. The full migration to the new system according to Mr. Nguma will be by the end of October, this year. “ Once the system goes live, we shall be able to offer our products and services on a real time basis, hence giving our members an exemplary experience,” he observed.
In line with its expansion strategy, Mentor Sacco is also planning to launch a branch in Kiambu town before the end of this year. This will bring the total number of its full-fledged branches to six including : Murang’a, Thika, Kenol , Ithanga and Ngara – Nairobi. The Sacco also has satellite branches in Kangema, Kangari, Kandara, Kiria-ini and Kahuro town centres in Murang’a county.